If you haven't signed up for stand shifts to fulfill your volunteer requirement, working on the newsletter/ website committee is a great way for you to contribute to the success of our CSA!
The following Bed-Stuy CSA volunteer positions need to be filled. We are looking for someone to commit to these position for the entire CSA season. Please email Olivia at sugarshakes@gmail.com if anything calls out to you.
If you've already scheduled to fulfill your CSA requirement by working at the stand, but would like to contribute to the newsletter/ website in any way on a more flexible basis, please reply too. I think the Veggie Guru and the Recipes Guru could us the most assistance throughout the season, so if you could help them, that would be great!
Veggie Guru: Compile storage, cleaning, and preservation info for CSA veggies. Also get a picture for each vegetable. Info goes into "What's new this week?" section
Web Guru: Post newsletter text to Google Group. Create veggie tip pages (containing pictures, recipes, storage, cleaning, and preservation info for CSA veggies) on website using content from newsletter. Create page on website that records what came in CSA share each week.
Recipes Guru: Create a collection of recipes that can be made using CSA veggies. In addition to finding recipes online or using original recipes, accept recipes from members as well. Coordinate with web guru to get recipes on the website. Also, be sure to select 4 recipes for each week's newsletter.
Assistant Managing Editor: Collect newsletter content from each section's writer. Check for typos and other errors. Compile into single simple RTF document (no formatting). Send this to me along with Jpgs of pictures. Then layout content onto newsletter template. Save as a word document and send to Lauren by 5pm Friday for copying.
Documentarian: Commit to take a couple of photos for CSA a week. Pictures of members at pick-up stand and photos of veggies are great. Please try to be available for taking photos at CSA events or arrange for someone else to do so if you can't attend. Also responsible for working with web guru and myself to archive pictures. Anyone who owns a digital camera and has a desire to release her/his inner-tourist can do this. You don't need to be Man Ray or anything.
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